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Belonging is a fundamental human need. We all desire to feel loved and accepted by those around us. Unfortunately, sometimes our physical appearance can interfere with that sense of belonging. Lines and wrinkles on our faces can communicate emotions that don't reflect how we actually feel, making us look angry, tired, or even sad. This can cause us to feel self-conscious and impact our confidence. Dr. Mitchell understands the importance of feeling like we belong and is passionate about helping her clients regain their confidence by achieving a more youthful appearance. With her skilled hand and compassionate approach, she can help you turn back the clock and rediscover the joy of belonging.


Everyone has their own unique approach to life, and when it comes to finding a skilled injector, it's important to find someone whose philosophy aligns with your own. Dr. Tomi Mitchell takes a holistic approach to life and beauty, believing that true wellness comes from both inner and outer health. This philosophy is reflected in her approach to injectables, which she uses to help her patients achieve a healthy, natural-looking appearance. In addition to being an expert injector, Dr. Mitchell is also a medical doctor, so you can rest assured that you're in good hands. If you're looking for someone who shares your values and can help you achieve your aesthetic goals, schedule a consultation with Dr. Mitchell today.


For many of us, the state of our skin doesn't reflect how we feel on the inside. We might have been hard workers our entire lives, but sun damage and the natural aging process can leave us feeling like our skin betrays our true selves. If you're looking to take back control of your appearance and achieve a more youthful look, softening lines and wrinkles is a common treatment goal for clients. At our clinic, we offer  a variety of services designed to help you achieve this goal. Whether you're interested in Botox, fillers, or laser treatments, we can develop a plan that's tailored to your specific needs.


Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve the look you've always wanted.

Image by Dominique Rivas


At Bonsai Medical Aesthetics, we understand that how you look on the outside can impact how you feel on the inside. That's why we offer a variety of treatments to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. From skin tightening to dermal fillers, we can help you reclaim your natural curves and achieve a more youthful appearance. Whether you're looking to soften hollows under your eyes, enhance your lips, or simply regain your smile, we can help you achieve your desired look. So if you're ready to take the first step in reclaiming your confidence, contact us today to schedule a consultation. 


We look forward to helping you achieve your goals!


We believe beauty comes from the inside out. At some point in our life, all of us will struggle with our negative self-talk and blind ourselves to the part of us that see's the good. In order to change the way we see ourselves, it is important to understand where these negative thoughts come from. Often, they are a result of comparisons we make to others, or messages we received in our childhood. If we can learn to love and accept ourselves for who we are, we will be much happier and more confident. The first step is to be mindful of our thoughts, and to catch ourselves when we start to focus on the negative. Once we become aware of our thoughts, we can start to challenge them, and eventually replace them with more positive ones. With time and practice, it will become easier to see the beauty in ourselves, and in the world around us.


At Bonsai Medical Aesthetics we offer a holistic approach, believing that true beauty is alignment between the inner and outer person.

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