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At Bonsai Medical Aesthetics we understand that trust is earned. As a company we are committed to protecting all personal, confidential and third party information. Each employee and representative of our company has been instructed on and agreed to abide by this privacy policy in the handling of your information.


As a Health Information Custodian (HIC) as defined in the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA), an organization as â€‹defined in the Health Information Act (HIA), and a business as defined by the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Bonsai Medical Aesthetics is responsible for ensuring that the personal health information/ personal information of its clients/ patients and staff is managed according to the policies, procedures and protocols within these Acts.



You have the right to know how Bonsai Medical Aesthetics may use and share your health information and how you can access it.

Your health information is kept private and secure by all our employees.


Bonsai Medical Aesthetics may collect, use and share your health information for the following reasons:
  • to provide you with health care

  • to communicate with or consult with other health care providers

  • for payment-related purposes (including OHIP, WSIB, private insurance companies and others)

  • to plan, manage and administer CAMH programs and services

  • for research (with Research Ethics Board approval)

  • for teaching

  • for statistical and other kinds of reporting obligations

  • for fundraising activities

  • for other purposes as permitted or required by law.


Your health information is stored in accordance with Bonsai  Medical Aesthetics' retention policies and as required by law. Otherwise it is destroyed, erased or made anonymous.


You have the right to:
  • access a copy of your health information held by a custodian, subject to specific and limited exemptions.

  • request a correction or amendment of your health information held by a custodian.

  • know why your health information is being collected, used and disclosed.

  • make an expressed wish regarding the disclosure of your health information. A custodian is required to consider your concerns before disclosing your health information.

  • request an independent review of decisions made by a custodian regarding access to your information or a correction or amendment to your health information, within 60 days of being notified of the decision.



Bonsai Medical Aesthetics is committed to securing your privacy. Employees and representatives of our company are responsible for the personal information under their control. We have appointed a Privacy Officer who is responsible for analyzing all personal information handling practices and ensuring that our privacy policy is up-to-date and in force.


Challenging Compliance

We encourage you to contact us with any questions or concerns you might have about your privacy and our Privacy Policy. In most cases, an issue may be resolved simply by discussing it.


If you feel that your concerns have not been addressed satisfactorily, please contact Bonsai Medical Aesthetics Privacy Officer:  


Dr. Tomi Mitchell




If the issue is still not resolved to your satisfaction, we will provide information on other complaint procedures that may be available to you through the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta:


Suite 2460, 801 6 Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 3W2
Phone: 403-297-2728
Toll Free: 1-888-878-4044




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